Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pigs To The Slaughter...

Look Familiar? No, it's not something out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It is a pig.


It is none other than little "Zoolander" from our August, 19th post... and sorry animal lovers....but he's in an entirely different state of being. He was much cuter, we assure you.

Back in August we talked of the two pigs we acquired from the San Diego Fair through a High School FFA program and how they were being groomed for a feast, come October 12th. Our "Patriot Pig" was (is) called Bill B. and the cute little fella was called Zoolander.

Little Zoolander's judgement (a.k.a Tom Brady) came the morning of the Raider game so that he could serve as a test run for Chef's Cajachina and let us tell ya.....it was phenomenal.

You are all in for a treat when we slaughter Bill B. on Sunday morning in preparation for the Charger tailgate party. Our butcher will carve him up in the early AM and Chef will take it from there. Not to be missed.

In other news:

In writing a response to the Al Davis Firing of Lane Kiffen we tried to accurately describe the disaster that emanates from the organization that claims to have a "Commitment to Excellence". It only took one phrase to do this. In listing their address we named it as 666 Dysfunction Junction. That was October 2nd. Now we won't lay any copyright on that phrase but we never hear anyone say it...ever.....

....did anyone notice the front page of the UT Sports today? We're not sayin' Kevin Acee lifted anything from this blog but........well they do say "imitation is the most sincere form of flattery". It is however, a little difficult to hear the Chargers being compared to the Raiders in their shared dysfunction but "it is what it is"....to coin a phrase.

Mr. Acee--Keep readin' our Blog!

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