Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why I'm Cheering Against the New York Jets Today

Last weekend my goal was to get our little tailgate caravan to section G3. Godspeed to G3. As J-E-T-S fans filtered into our area I was lambasted by my tailgating party: "How could you direct us to this God Forsaken patch of asphalt, laden with a-holes!?!". Then I remembered.....

.....the Union Tribune reported that J-E-T-S fans were directing their faithful to all congregate in the same area (G3). Word of this had spread and the Bolt Complex had urged Chargers fans to prevent this assembly by any means necessary**. This is why I had led my followers into the pit of Hades. But truth be wasn't that bad. Aside from hearing J-E-T-S, JETS-JETS-JETS more frequently than you can imagine Rex Ryan-buffet-visits it was a great time.

So why am I cheering AGAINST the Jets this afternoon, you ask?

Well it's not because they beat our Chargers. In theory, I should be rooting AGAINST the Colts because their lay-down against the Jets with a perfect season on the line is the only reason the Jets made a trip to San Diego last week anyways. Is it the talk coming out of the Jets locker room? I'll admit the talk from their coach and defensive players is beginning to grate on me, but that's not it either. It all comes back to their fans......

You see, last week when we were enjoying our tailgate and enduring the cacophony of J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS. We were subjected to some chants that crossed into the "No Fly Zone" of trash talk. The problems stemmed from the fact that there were so many Jets fans in G3, they poured out of their designated parking stalls into the driving lane causing a disturbance every time a car needed to get through. Naturally the cars needing to get through were......Charger Fans......thus the trash talk. So there I am drinking my beer and eating my breakfast burrito as chants of........wait for it.......U-S-A/U-S-A/U-S-A/U-S-A/U-S-A/U-S-A began to fill the airwaves. What's wrong with this? Surely nothing wrong with patriotic flair during a truly American game, right?

Well the chant was directed at a contingent of Latinos. That's what I would commonly refer to as, "Bush League Bullshit". The Latino Charger Fans, gave 'em a big F-You, and joined in on the chant because.......well they're AMERICAN!

So here's to karma, New York Jets Fans. I'm cheering against you racist fucks, today!

....and by the way; your a Mexican American!

**Not really. They suggested Charger Fans get there early and prevent it. I just like to involve Malcolm X as regularly as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Claiming one team has better ethics never seems like a smart idea.

    Using your rationale, every Charger fan should also be grouped in with this creepy whackjob:

    He even has a link to you.
