Monday, January 10, 2011

Padres baseball and Silver Linings

Yesterday on Twitter I made a comment to San Diego musician Steve Poltz and he responded. The response has led me here... so listen to some music. It has a John Kruk reference. Which pretty much makes it a baseball song.

If I were going to think of things that are definitively "San Diego" I might say:
  1. Zoo
  2. Sea World
  3. Wild Animal Park
Of course these are things more for the tourist in your life. Don't get me wrong, I go to all those places; duty often calls.

But if a San Diegan needed to reacquaint him/herself with the city, upon returning from a journey abroad, the "Definitively San Diego" list might go something like this:
  1. Visit taco shop. Order a Carne Asada burrito and Horchata. Destroy it.
  2. See a show at The Casbah or The Belly-Up.
  3. Make sure Steve Poltz is playing at one of the above.
I imagine there are many ways you could go with such a list. Truthfully I've never even tried Horcahta... I just like to say it. But this is my list, and while I believe it to be accurate, it's subject to change.

Anyways... Steve Poltz is a big Padres fan. Over at Ducksnorts, Geoff did an interview with him a few years back. It's broken up into five parts. Check it out.


  1. horchata is the nectar of the gods. you must try it.

    hint: it is wrong if it tastes like bubble gum.

  2. I shall commit to the nectar by week's end!

  3. Seriously, AiC? NEVER tried horchata? Sometimes I feel as if I just don't know you at all.

  4. Without getting into too great of detail I could never get past the appearance of horchats which is odd... because I don't mind milk.

    It's on my action item list.
