Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chase Headley: Durable destroyer of modern cities

With all of the fawning over Chase Headley's recent performance in Godzilla Destroys Tokyo After The All-Star Break, The Common Man of The Platoon Advantage makes an astute observation regarding our giant reptilian third baseman after last night's performance in Atlanta:
Padres: Chase Headley, 2-4, HR, R, 2 RBI
More than his power surge and his incredible productivity in 2012, TCM is really impressed by Headley's durability.  Aside from last year, when he broke his finger and was out for more than a month, Headley has played 524 of a possible 531 games since coming up in June of 2008.
 Ahhh, June of 2008. I remember it well. Old Yankee Stadium. The Padres swept out of the park. But you know what else happened that weekend? Chase Headley arrived for good. And he hit a HR*. Chase Headley is not only a destroyer of balls and island cities, he's a durable one at that.

*And I saw it in person. I'm a moderately better fan than you. With less money too.

I don't read a lot of baseball blogs on the internet outside of the Padres-centric ones. There's not enough time. But I do make one frequent stop to The Platoon Advantage. It's a general baseball blog written by die-hard fans of the game who also contribute to Baseball Prospectus. I recommend you put it on your daily reading list.


  1. Seeing the quote where TCM is impressed, I thought "That's odd, why is Turner Classic Movies writing about baseball?"

    Oh, of course. Godzilla.

  2. You see? Stuff all ties together, man. AJM is like a great area rug.
