Thursday, July 16, 2009

Memo to Actresses: Show commitment to your craft by being awesome

Signing out of my MSN account, the first thing I noticed was the entertainment section......and not because of the Romo/Simpson split and its obvious NFL connection. Yes, my starvation for football has reached its summer zenith but I felt captivated by another title line and I sought news of much greater personal relevance and import. A story that, if accessed and found to be true, could very well be considered an existential threat to this blog.

Now I don't concern myself with some fella slippin' one through the 5-hole on Penelope Cruz nor am I inclined to read up on a geriatric Roy Hobbs shackin' up with his new Missus...... concern stemmed from the penultimate-minus-one headline (is there a word for third to the last?). A headline with the inference of the oh so dreaded....

"I'm an actress who wants to be taken seriously therefore I will immerse myself in my craft, and thus character, to such a degree that the world will stop viewing my beauty only."

Chills up the spine of my laptop......could it have meant that Avenging Jack Murphy's wise sage might be engaging in the most drastic of actions........marring her beauty for art?

This is just not funny, not funny at all.....fearful I am to click the aforementioned link......visions of actresses past dancing in my head. My personal reference point for Charlize Theron has always been the first roll I ever saw her in----2 Days In The Valley. Is this not how, you too, evoke images of Ms. Theron?

Charlize Theron, Teri Hatcher, and spandex are the types of visual senses that rapidly pass through the brain's receptors and get the neurons firing like it was Independence least in 1996 they did.....Charlize Theron had to go prove she was devoted to her craft, got rid of her figure, made herself ugly, and played a bull dike serial killer....

Thanks....thanks a lot you South African princess. My mind is seared with imagery of you as a horrific sociopath and you will never return to that vaunted status you achieved back in the mid '90s........but at least the world knows you're dedicated to your craft!

Which brings us to the unthinkable. We've heard of the Sage wanting to be taken more seriously as an not just be eye candy for movie going males. Do we click this insidious teaser and take the chance of ruining this image.....forever!

For the love of the San Diego Chargers and this blog....what's behind the link....what's behind the fuckin' link?

Actress to pack on pounds for role [MSN]

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