Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Put In The call To Glenn Danzig......we're about to make him current via Chris Berman's inanity

The Schwam's ready to sing......are you?

Below, you'll find the modified lyrics for the Misfits' classic anthem, Die Die My Darling......with a slight alteration necessary to bring it into the new millennium.

It's amazing how easily the names Chris Berman/ Boomer/The Schwam piece themselves into this early '80s ode to an undesirable creature (a female in Glenn Danzig's case and an over the hill sports talking head in ours).

There are two camps on the Chris Berman issue:
  1. Those who naively cling to the nostalgia of their youth (player nicknames and HR calls at the Hotel California) thus denying the current constructs of reality.
  2. Those that have taken the red pill...stayed in Wonderland...and acknowledged Chris Berman's supreme douchey-ness.
To us is much, much, is this blog's Zeitgeist. Hit the play button and sing along.......

"Die Die Chris Berman"

Die, die, die Chris Berman
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die Chris Berman
Just shut your gaping mouth

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell

Don't cry to me oh Boomer
Your future's in an oblong box, yeah
Don't cry to me oh Boomer
Should have seen it a-coming on
Don't cry to me oh Boomer
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh Boomer
Dead end Song for a dead end Schwam
Don't cry to me oh Boomer
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh Boomer

Die, die, die Chris Berman
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die Chris Berman
Just shut your gaping mouth

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell

Don't cry to me a Boomer
Your future is in an oblong box
Don't cry to me oh Boomer
Should have seen the end a-coming on, a-coming
Don't cry to me oh Boomer
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh Boomer
Dead catch phrases for a dead end life
Don't cry to me oh Boomer
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh Boomer

Die, die, die Chris Berman
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die Chris Berman
Shut your gaping mouth

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell

Don't cry to me oh Boomer
Die, die, die Chris Berman
Don't cry to me oh Boomer
Die, die, die Chris Berman
Die, die, die Chris Berman
Die, die, die Chris Berman

Die, die, die, die, die, die....

I'll see you back, back, back, back in Hell, Berman!


  1. It fits perfectly! Now if only you could get the Misfits to cover this song and send it to Chris Berman, maybe it would convince him to retire.

  2. Just came across this video too, TMZ talking to Evan Longoria and completely ignoring Chris Berman. I thought you might get a kick out of this one.

    Chris Berman Video

  3. Thanks Ian. I put it in the link dump for today. Cheers.
