Friday, October 2, 2009

Next Week on the UT Charger Roundtable: Kevin Acee meets the Bloggers....and then Nick Canepa has an aneurysm

I was just watching the weekly Chargers Roundtable that Acee, Canepa, and Posner do for the Union Tribune and there was mention that Kevin Acee would have special guests next week: local Charger bloggers.

Acee's guests will be members of Bolts From The Blue and Glorify the Past. After watching the entire Charger Roundtable: what condescending pricks!

The only thing that ever really matters is perception and what I saw was a boss who told his beat writer he needed to do this to keep up with the competition (see: who incidentally, had already beat them to the punch on the concept. Oh.....and I also saw a crotchety relic of a columnist named Nick Canepa, nudge Acee and scoff at the notion of meeting with "non-journalists". A gathering with the steerage class of sports writers? Lord no! What a couple of ass-hats.

Or have I overreacted?

Go ahead and hover over the video. The mighty paper of record couldn't even spell [sic] Chargeres correctly. Also, if I'm not mistaken it was a Charger blog (GTP?) who suggested to Kevin Acee that he needed to make his UT videos available for embedding on other sites. Glad the paper lent credence to something a lowly blog suggested.

Editor's Note:
I don't think that I've missspelled anyting. Of coarse teh same standerds dont apply at this site,


  1. Canepa once was a pretty good reporter, even part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize and a long-time beat writer on the Chargers. The problem with the newspaper industry is good reporters evolve into columnists, where they write what they feel, think and believe, usually without any original reporting, analysis (numerical or logic) and in my opinion, much humor or self-deprecation.

    Canepa’s complaint that bloggers are not journalists despite the fact that most do the same thing as he does is a very funny statement coming from someone who seemingly prides himself in finding contradictory public statements. What Canepa misses is that most successful bloggers have to do what he claims they don’t or no one reads their work.

    If you think there is great wisdom to be found from a barstool in Little Italy from an elderly Italian-American speed-balling Grappa and espresso, take a look at Nick’s column.

    There are certain columnists at the U-T I enjoy such as Jay Posner, but most are aging windbags that provide little, if any, new information or perspective.

    There is a reason newspapers are dying.

  2. "If you think there is great wisdom to be found from a barstool in Little Italy from an elderly Italian-American speed-balling Grappa and espresso, take a look at Nick’s column."
    lol.Too funny!
