Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday Morning Analysis

We stink.

Seriously, do we even need to discuss this? What's the point? Look at that picture---those are home uniforms---if you can't win at home in October you have little chance on the road in December.

Really? Neither the Union Tribune or the Chargers Website could get any pictures of the Charger Girls in their retro outfits. It just keeps getting worse.

Chargers Postgame Videocast: Bucked By The Broncos [619 Sports.net]
Broncos saddle Bolts with hard-to-swallow loss [UT-Kevin Acee]
This team has fallen flat, fast [UT-Nick Canepa]
Tables have turned for Chargers [UT-Tim Sullivan]


  1. Reasons I'm getting tired of the Chargers (In no particular order):

    -Norv is boring and has tiny balls.
    -I love LT, but let's face it, he's past his prime.
    -Merriman is an a@#hole.
    -The entire team believes that they're better than they are.
    -Cool uniforms do not a winner make.

    Reasons I'll still watch next week:

    -The Chargers can still win the AFC West, (not a Denver believer yet)


  2. I will still be watching the charger till I go blind...sure were not doing how we xpected at this point of the season but things could be worse...and I think we've dug ourselfs out of messes like this so all you real charger fans don't lose hope....things could be worse...we could be 0-5...

  3. We could be doing worse? Really? You mean you could be like the Browns who are 1-5 with a 6-3 victory? We are not far off.

    The chargers are one of the most talented teams in the NFL, look at our core group of guys, Rivers, LT, Gates, Sproles, Chambers, Jackson....and they can't keep it together....

    I'll quote a great movie that you all should check out here...

    "The saddest thing in life is wasted talent".....

    I can't say I'm excited about Nov. 22nd.

  4. Anon-Norv Does have tiny balls.

    Anon-You're right it could be worse.

    Kyle-Being the Browns would be really bad. Woeful.

    There was a poll in the UT and there's like 8000 people who think the Chargers are still going to win the AFC West. I think that's delusional. There's a chance at the playoffs with the wild card but no division this year. The Broncos aren't going to implode like 2008.

    Coming off of a bye, at home and having two weeks to prepare for a division rival should = victory. When you fail under those circumstances there's reason for concern.

    It could be a painful remainder of the season. Then again maybe not....November 22nd may still have import.

  5. Nov 22nd will be fun no matter what. WHo cares we stick with them bad and good. I have never been to denver so I am looking forward to that alone. Fuck AJ, and Norv

  6. This Charger team is going to look very different next year.
