Monday, April 5, 2010

Game 1: Don't Push The Panic Button Yet.......wait 'til tomorrow

 I didn't even get to watch the game today.

I checked the tracker in the 2nd inning to see the Padres facing a quick 2 run deficit. I caught a sneak peek during a meeting to see us down by four and then re-opened my laptop at the ol' desk to see us down 6-zip. By the time I was on the drive home it was the top of the 9th and we were on the ugly side of a  6-1 drubbing. I vowed to keep the game on to listen to Uncle Ted call the 9th (something I rarely get to do) but also to see some late inning guts on display. Sure enough Adrian Gonzalez and Kyle Blanks popped back-to-back HRs and then the game ended on a Chase Headley line-out. From the post-game on XX1090 it sounded like Chase had a nice game, an early throwing error not withstanding.

Why do a write-up on a game I didn't even see? Because opening day is fun! Fun, in that, a Padres loss brings out a multitude of morons who begin claiming all is lost and the team will be lucky to win 61 games. It happened last year after I attended the opener (a horrible loss to the Dodgers) and then opened up  the UT the next today. The Padres were cooked, readers protested. Then the '09 edition won 9 of their next 11 games and readers were singing hosannas for our Friars. You get the point, don't you?
 One game does not make a season and UT readers/commenters can be effin-crazy!

How crazy? Well let's go to the UT and get some comment snapshots (click below to continue):

E-A-R-T-quake? I guess yesterday's 7.2 shook more than a few buildings. I would assume, that with a User Name like that, you were shaken by mother nature's wrath.......but after reading your thoughts......"161 more LOSSES".....nah, that doesn't qualify as rational thought.....although your math looks reputable, so you've got that goin' for you.

As of yet, Babakazoo has not responded to my offer. Can you blame him? It would be a bet of catastrophic idiocy. The 2010 team, on paper, is much better than the 2009 team which happened to stumble upon 75 wins. Now there's no guarantees that the Padres will match that total but to only win 61 games would be an epic failure.....something this team doesn't have in it......I don't me

Look......Dan Harren is a bona fide staff #1while Jon Garland is more like a #3.....what do you expect?

I'm not condemning the commenters on the UT but some of them are just crazy. Don't push the panic button yet.....wait 'til tomorrow.
[Box Score]


  1. If babakazoo puts up I'll take the OVER. This team wins 61 games easy.

    I could use a big payday, tax season and all.

  2. Well, Mike....I wish I could say that Mr. Babakazoo had taken me up on the offer but it appears as though my challenge scared him off.

    It's all right....we know.
