Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Dick Enberg Analysis: "Touch 'em all"

Notified that the latent/blatant jokes surrounding our announcer's name were a bit middle school*, I've decided to be a bit more formal with our analysis and refer to it as "The Dick Enberg Analysis".

It was mentioned in last night's post that Mr. Enberg butchered the home run call for Kelly Johnson to lead off the game. If you listen to the audio you will hear Enberg missing the call badly but he's not the first to do it. I think I can recall, as a little kid, hearing Harry Carey consume enough beers that some of his calls became pretty dicey. He was a Cub fan and a Bud man.

"Touch 'em all"
I like that as a Home Run call. Simple. Effective. Accurate. Does not overwhelm the achievement of the batter. Dare I say, a step up from.......


Our Twitter pal, @sportsmatters disagrees wholeheartedly regarding "Touch 'em all"! He says he'll "lose it" listening to variations of Enberg's signature call. We'll be on suicide watch for @sportsmatters here at Avenging Jack Murphy.

"The Warning Path"
Mike at Padres Trail took exception to this call levied by Enberg on a fly out to the warning track. An antiquated reference or an awkward misstep? Neither one of us know. What say you?

Props for Mr. Enberg
Mr. Enberg seems to have taken considerable control in the booth and Mud Grant is clearly deferring to the broadcast legend. To begin the 7th inning last night, however, their timing was flawless as Mud emerged from the shadows and pointed to how critical it would be for Kevin Correia to locate with a mounting pitch count. As Mud warned that not locating would result in "serious trouble", D-Backs CF Chris Young launched a HR. Good work in the booth, fellas.

Many who I've questioned say they enjoy Dick Enberg. These Padre fans often describe listening to him to be "a treat". He does have a pleasant voice.

I'll continue to keep an eye on the duo's progress for no other reason than......why not!?! If you notice something that is particularly vexing or some indication of impending greatness, give a comment or two. If you decide to click the "crap" should support your opinion...... with a comment or two.

*Being lumped in with middle schoolers and their uncritical minds is the sort of insult that gives cause for evaluation. These youngsters, after all, are given to uncontrollable laughter when they are notified that they have certain responsibilities, obligations, and........duties....... to fulfill......
Hehehehe [high pitched laughter].....he said doody......Hehehehe
 No lie.
 In that vain, we'll do our best to keep it clean. We will not allow this blog to devolve into the single cell organism laden sludge from whence it came.


  1. i've enjoyed the broadcast much more this year. Neely didn't do anything for me last year and steve quiss is terrible. Getting the legendary enberg is a major improvement. That being said, he's old and there will be mistakes. "efrin" cabrera comes to mind. Also during a story about jerry hairston sr., dick mentioned that now both his sons play for the angels. The guy was the tv voice of the angels for a decade so I think he'll make this mistake a few more times. During the opening day pregame he mentioned that tony gwynn sr. Was in the lineup for a padres-angels game he called in 69. He must have meant a spring training game in 85, the last time he did baaeball.

  2. Touch em all and getting to 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base and home brings back fond memories from High school spin the bottle parties.
